- Assignment Design Workshop
- Teaching Gen Z (Tricia Hermes)
- D-WRD & WRD 202 Reading Group discuss two articles — session notes
- Digital Writing Portfolios & Digication workshop: planning, assigning, supporting, collecting, reading, and assessing — 5/19/18
- From WRD to the Workplace: Intersections between First Year Writing and Professional Writing 5/4/18 notes
- Teaching WRD Courses Online 4/6/18 notes
- Forms of multimodal reflection, with Erin Workman, including
- Visual mapping (Workman)
- Digitally-mediated video and audio reflections (Journet et al.)
- Selfies in digital portfolios (Clark)
- Ubiquitous digital reflection (Silver)
- Reflective tagging in digital portfolios (McDonald)
- Digital Writing Portfolio & Digication Platform Workshop: 10/6/17 notes
- Assignment Design + Digication Workshop: 09/15/17 notes
- Identifying Rhetorical Purposes and Audiences for Multimodal Composing Projects
- Social Media & First Year Writing: Opportunities & Challenges. First Year Writing Faculty Meeting, August, 2016 (“We no longer search for news, the news finds us.”)
- Learning & Teaching Online, with Sharon Guan: QM Plus/Pedagogically Distinctive Features
- Teaching portfolio workshop
- Commenting & providing feedback on student work
- Assignment design workshop
- Typography: Lynda.com > typography [session notes]
- Hyperlinks and in-text citation styles in student research papers
“Today, citation styles are important to the self-definition of many disciplines, and their forms reflect serious choices for writers and publishers. Indeed, the ideology of citation practices and styles is hotly debated. We suggest that student writers think about the implications of citation styles, what they foreground, and what they erase” (Lunsford, TWLH 160).
- Learning and Teaching Online: Interaction & Engagement
- DWRD & WRD202 — Professional Writing for Business
- Assigning, Supporting, and Assessing Student Presentations (Alan Ackmann)
- Teaching Online Courses: John Carroll & Minimalism
- Scott Warnock: Best Practices for Online Writing Instruction
- Using Online Rooms in D2L with John Buckvold
- What is the relationship between multimodal composing & reflection?
- Assignment & Project Design Workshop
- Reading in Print and Reading on Screens
- Integrating multimodal composing projects with critical-thinking components: process descriptions; remediation; remix; Shipka’s “Multimodal Task-Based Framework” + three approaches; read Ellis, “Back to the Future?: The Pedagogical Promise of the (Multimedia) Essay.”
- Lisa Dush’s workshop on WeVideo
- What is the relationship between Vincentian Values and Technology?
- Using Qualtrics survey software; new C&C issue; Vandenberg’s “Excuse Me, Is This Thing On? Audiotape Commentary in Dialogic Classrooms.”
- Teaching Online Courses — Principles & Practice
- Teaching Online Courses II
- Working with Challenging Students (Online & D2L)
- Screencast-o-matic workshop
- Fall FYW Faculty Meeting: Multimodal Composing: Claims & Implementation
- How Do You Read a Portfolio?: Teachers as an Interpretive Community
- Composing with Audio II: Audacity, Garage Band, and SoundCloud
- Student Portfolio Roundtable
- Online Training: lynda.com
- Technology & Literacy Professional Development:
reading and discussion: “Technological Ecologies and Sustainability”— how to respond to job ads with descriptors such as “teaching with technology,” ” digital composition,” “multimodal composing,” and “electronic portfolios”; how to discuss your teaching with technology and D-WRD participation on your CV and in your cover letter
- Hermes, Rozzell, Hohenzy: A CCCC digital pedagogy poster presentation on Mediation & Multimodality
- Annotating Texts
- Laptop-required Courses
- Typography reading & discussion: John Trimbur, “Delivering the Message: Typography and the Materiality of Writing”; Web Style Guide, 3rd ed. See especially Typography: FYW digital-writing portfolio site resources on Text & Images and Composing with Color
- Teaching Portfolios
- Curated model of Digital Writing Portfolios
- Teaching Online Workshop
- Teaching Online: Designing Discussion Forums
- MOOC Session II
- What does it mean to have a writing MOOC? (session notes)
- Assignment- and project-design workshop
- Fall FYW Faculty Meeting: Toward Some Shared Vocabulary and Assumptions: Literacy & Technology
- Digital Writing Portfolio updates and Assessment workshop
- 2012 Presidential Election: Rhetoric, Technology, and Politics
- Teaching Portfolios
- “From Pencils to Pixels: The Stages of Literacy Technology”
- Laptop-required Courses
- End-of-term Digital Portfolio concerns: collecting, reading, grading
- Multimodal composing assignments; reading & discussion: Borton, Sonya C. and Brian Huot. “Thinking about Responding to and Grading Multi-Modal Texts.”
- Working with generative discussion-forum posts and online conversations; reading & discussion: Scott Warnock, “Conversation: Online, Course ‘Talk’ Can Become Writing”
- Review WQ Pilot and surveys; Digication updates
- Teaching Online: Team-based Projects (WRD202/204)
- Intro to Typography: Web Style Guide (Yale UP) chapter 8 on typography (WQ)
- Readings & Inquiry (WQ)
- Expanding First-Year Writing Learning Outcomes (SQ)
- Theorizing Professional Development (SQ)
- Workshop on dig.ccmixter — Creative-Commons licensed music
- Assignment-design workshop
- Planning your teaching portfolio: representing and integrating your technology-based pedagogical work
- Reading & discussion: Cope, Bill and Mary Kalantzis. “Design for Social Futures.”
- Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing
- Copyright & Fair Use Workshop
- What is Reflection? (WQ)
- Image editing in Photoshop (WQ)
- Department speaker: Anne Wysocki, “Paging Memory / Screening Memory”
- Wysocki, compose design advocate: chapter 9, “Visual Modes of Communication”
- Digital Writing Portfolio Working Group (WQ)
- Calley O’Neill (Education) and Sarah Brown (WRD/Education) on text & image banners.
- Reading, responding to, and assessing multimodal assignments
- “Thinking About Multimodality” (WQ)
- Reading, Responding to, and Grading Digital Portfolios (WQ)
- Digital Writing Portfolio Pilot Group Assignment & Scoring Guide (SQ)
- Ongoing portfolio workshops
- Digital Writing Portfolios: Why?
- Introduction to Audacity and SoundCloud
- Photo Essay assignments and scoring guides
- Student Digital Writing Portfolio Roundtable (SQ)
- Fall FYW Faculty Meeting: Multimodal assignments and their integration in Digication
- Teaching Online & Digital Writing Portfolios (AQ)
- Planning meeting: Digital Writing Portfolios & D2L (AQ)
- Digication Pilot Group Meeting (AQ)
- WRD Computer Classroom Protocols (AQ)
- Digication Pilot (AQ)
- Digication Planning Notes (AQ)
- WRD Digital Portfolio Platforms (WQ)
- Reading & discussion: Hawisher, Gail. “The Effects of Word Processing on the Revision Strategies of College Students.”
- Student Perspectives on WRD e-Portfolios
- Introduction to iMovie Workshop (SQ)
- Digication: Training & Support With Jeffrey Yan (SQ)
- Portfolios Literacy Narratives, and D2L migration (WQ)
- First Year Writing Winter Meeting (WQ)
- First Year Writing Fall Faculty Meeting
Initial 2009 readings designed to complement our initial DOTS cohort (AQ2009):
- Feenberg’s Transforming/Critical Theory of Technology
- Selber’s Post-critical Framework
- Normal Research Collective (from the journal Social Epistemology): “Postmodern Pedagogies and the Death of Civic Humanism”
- Claire Lauer, “Contending with Terms”: Multimodal & Multimedia
- Donna Haraway: Cyborg Manifesto
- Winner, “From Hubris to Humility: Changing Views in the Social Acceptance of Technological Development”
- Discussions: literacy, digital literacy, human-computer interaction; working with generative discussion-forum posts and online conversations; rhetoric of interfaces; rhetorical dimensions of “presence”
- Intro to disciplinary journals: Visible Language, Computers & Composition, Pedagogy, CCC, Kairos.
- Ongoing bibliography: disciplinary readings
- Winter and Spring quarter teaching-with-technology workshops: HTML, client-server relationships, Photoshop.
- Autumn Quarter: DOTS cohort
- First Year Writing Fall Faculty Meeting: Literacy, Technology & Pedagogy