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Electronic Portfolio Workshop: Spring Quarter, 2010

The Committee on First Year Writing and the Digital WRD Working Group Present:
Electronic Portfolio Workshop: Spring Quarter, 2010

What to bring: teaching materials that you can use to begin your own digital teaching portfolio — a unit, or theme, or series of assignments. Bring the materials in MSWord, or whatever format you use, on a flash drive or email them to yourself.
Purpose: in the first half of the workshop, we’ll review three platforms for designing e-portfolios: iWeb, Acrobat Pro 9, and WordPress. In the second half, we will practice making  our own teaching portfolios as a way to explore the different platforms and to prepare.

Review in advance:

Also available in 206 McGaw, on the “Portfolio Shelf” above the scanner — for context:

Black, D. Daiker, J. Sommers, & G. Stygall (Eds.), New directions in portfolio assessment: Reflective practice, critical theory, and large-scale scoring. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 1994.

White, Edward. Assigning, Responding, Evaluating: A Writing Teacher’s Guide.

Yancey, Kathleen and Barbara Cambridge and Darren Cambridge (Eds.) Electronic Portfolios 2.0: Emergent Research on Implementation and Impact. Stylus Publishing, 2009.