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Multimodal Assessment Bibliography

Adsanatham, Chanon. (2012). Integrating assessment and instruction: Using student-generated grading criteria to evaluate multimodal digital projects. Computers and composition, (29), 152-174.

Anderson, Daniel et al. (2006). Integrating multimodality into composition curricular: Survey methodology and results from a CCCC research grant. Composition studies, 34(2), 59-84.

Ball, Cheryl. (2006). Designerly ≠ readerly: Re-assessing multimodal and new media rubrics for use in writing studies. Convergence, 12(4), 393-412.

Borton, Sonya, and Huot, Brian. (2007). Responding and assessing. In Cynthia Selfe (Ed.).            Multimodal composition: Resources for teachers (p. 1-14). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton  Press.

Eva Brumberger, Eva, and Kathryn Northcut (Eds.) (21012) Designing Texts: Teaching Visual Communication. Baywood Press.

Elliot, Norbert, and Les Perelman. (2012). Writing Assessment in the 21st Century.  Hampton Press.

Huot, Brian. (2002a). Toward a new discourse of assessment for the college writing classroom. College English, 65(1), 163-80.

————- (2002b). (Re)Articulating writing assessment for teaching and learning. Logan, UT: Utah State UP.

Inoue, Asao. (2005). Community-based assessment pedagogy. Assessing writing, 9, 208-38.

Katz, Susan M. and Lee Odell,  (Eds). (2012) Making the Implicit Explicit in Assessing Multimodal Composition. Technical Communication Quarterly, 21.1.

Kuhn, Virginia, et al. (2012). “Speaking with Students: Profiles in Digital Pedagogy,” Kairos 14.2

McKee, H., & DeVoss, D. N. (Eds.). (In process—Spring 2013?). Digital writing assessment and evaluation.

Murray, Elizabeth, Sheets, Hailey, & Williams, Nicole. (2010). The new work of assessment: evaluating multimodal compositions. Computers and composition online. Retrieved from

Odell, Lee & Katz, Susan. (2009). “Yes, a t-shirt!”: Assessing visual composition in the “writing” class. CCC, 61(1), W197-216.

Penrod, Diane. (2005). Composition in convergence: The impact of new media on writing assessment. New York, Routledge.

David M. Sheridan, Jim Ridolfo, and Anthony J. Michel. (2012) The Available Means of Persuasion: Mapping a Theory and Pedagogy of Multimodal Public Rhetoric.

Shipka, Jody. (2009). Negotiating rhetorical, material, methodological, and technical difference: Evaluating multimodal designs. CCC, 61(1), W343-66.

Sorapure, Madeleine. (2006). Between modes: assessing student new media compositions. Kairos. Retrieved March 10, 2010, from

Yancey, Kathleen.  (2004a). Looking for sources of coherence in a fragmented world: Notes toward a new assessment design. Computers and composition, 21(1), 89-102.