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Digication Pilot: Autumn 2010

First-Year Writing Digital Portfolio Working Group

“An ePortfolio isn’t a place or a thing; it’s a practice.”

In preparation for piloting Digication, a digital-portfolio platform, we’ll have an initial training session on Tuesday 8/24 in SAC 232, where we’ll begin to create our teaching portfolios:

Dana Dunham
Elizabeth Bryant-Richards
Alan Ackmann a
Scott Johnson
Scott Markwell
Eileen Seifert
Carolyn Leeb
Joyce Bean
Star Hall
Deborah Weiner
Tricia Hermes
Justin Staley
Darsie Bowden
Sarah Brown
Michael Moore
Max Witherspoon

As we proceed with our digital-portfolio pilot project using the proprietary platform Digication, we want to draw on the same intellectual and pedagogical questions and contexts that we have already developed in the Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and Discourse locally, and for which disciplinary research provides productive and practical ways of aligning FYW learning outcomes with programmatic and institutional assessment, lifelong learning, literate practices in academic discourse, and multimodal composing. The First-Year Writing Digital Portfolio Working Group will attend to these issues first by helping to decide,

  • What are the goals and purposes of the First-Year Writing Digital Portfolio – from the perspectives of students, teachers, and administrators?
  • Who are the audiences for students’ digital portfolios?
  • What should be included in students’ digital portfolios?
  • Who will decide?
  • What will it look like?
  • What happens to the students’ digital portfolios after a course is over?
  • What difference will students’ digital portfolios make?

Michael Moore will introduce the session with some contextual background on writing portfolios and the transition to digital portfolios for both assessment and teaching & learning uses.

Sarah Brown will lead the training session, during which we will design and compose our teaching portfolios.

Working Group Resources

NCTE: Principles and Practices

Digication: Quick Start Guide (PDF)
Digication: Overview (Video)

Anson, Chris M. “Portfolios for Teachers: Writing Our Way to Reflective Practice.” Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring. Ed. Laurel Black, Donald A. Daiker, Jeffrey Sommers, and Gail Stygall. Portsmouth, NH:  Heinemann, 1994. 185-200.

Belanoff, Pat, and Peter Elbow. “Using Portfolios to Increase Collaboration and Community in a Writing Program.” Portfolios: Process and Product. Ed. Pat Belanoff and Marcia Dickson. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 1991. 17-29.

Boyer Ernest. Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate. New York: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1990.

Cambridge, Darren and Barbara Cambridge, Kathleen Blake Yancey, eds. Electronic Portfolios 2.0: Emergent Research on Implementation and Impact. Stylus, 2009.

Forbes, Cheryl.  “Reading Portfolios Conversationally.”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al..  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  103-112.

Yancey, Kathleen. Reflection in the Writing Classroom. Logan, UT: Utah University State Press, 1998.

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