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8/31 Digication & Digital Portfolio Workshop

To all WRD faculty teaching FYW courses next year (2011-2012)

The WRD Department has received a generous grant from Academic Affairs to sponsor a First-Year Writing Digication Workshop on Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011, from 9:30-4:00 in McGaw 143.  The workshop will be run by Michael Moore with support from a FITS staff member, Emily Stone, and will help prepare faculty to use Digication for students’ digital portfolios beginning in Autumn Quarter.

Faculty participating in the day-long workshop will receive a $150 stipend plus lunch and refreshments.  Priority will be given to faculty who have not already undergone Digication training or who feel they need more preparation to use it effectively in their courses.  Workshop is limited to 20 participants.

If you are interested and able to participate, please contact me.

Note that any advance preparation that you can manage this quarter (e.g., meeting with Michael or attending one of his Digication mini-workshops) is a plus.  We realize that this is a major programmatic shift and want to provide all the support we can.

Darsie Bowden
Professor – Writing, Rhetoric & Discourse