- Teaching & Learning Online: SQ 2018: Communicating with students — rhetoric and everyday texts
- Teaching Online workshop: AQ 2017: WRD 202
- Teaching & Learning Online: WQ 2016: Discussion Forums
- Teaching & Learning Online: WQ 2015: John Carroll & Minimalism
- Teaching Online workshop: AQ 2015: QM Plus/Pedagogically Distinctive Features
- Teaching & Learning Online: AQ 2014: Library Instruction; WRD 202 Overview; WRD 104 reflections: managing incoming and outgoing textual production, integrating visual and multimodal practices, and time management.
- Teaching & Learning Online WQ 2014: WRD 202 Brown Bag Workshop — convenience vs. flexibility; self-regulated learning; “attendance” policies; what to do when a student doesn’t log on; discussion board posts
- Teaching Online workshop: WQ 2014: Online Rooms in D2L
- Teaching & Learning Online: SQ 2014: Assignment Design
- Teaching Online workshop: WQ 2013: Student participation & Student-to-Student Interactions
- Teaching & Learning Online: SQ 2013: Scott Warnock
- Teaching & Learning Online: AQ 2012: Online Team-based Projects
- Teaching & Learning Online: AQ 2011: Discussion Forums
- DOTS Cohort Group Notes (2009): Initial cohort notes, including hybrid & online courses
- Teaching & Learning Online via D2L