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D-WRD Meetings: Autumn, 2010

D-WRD is going to meet twice a month — first and third Fridays — 10-11. a.m.; again, this is totally voluntary and optional. If you’d like to join us, please do.


Friday, Sept. 17th: discuss Yancey’s “Postmodernism, Palimpsest, and Portfolios: Theoretical Issues in the Representation of Student Work”

— Friday, Oct. 1st: agenda TBA, depending on what you need & want

— Friday, October 15th:

Review and discuss the C&C call for proposals: New Literacy Narratives:  Stories about Reading and Writing in a Digital Age — who would like to collaborate on a proposal? (Natalie)

Hash out the kinds of framing and rationale-giving that we should be doing in class to present the e-portfolio to our students.  For example: [1] the value of it as a professional tool, [2] the importance of multi-modal approaches to rhetoric necessitating some time devoted to visual rhetoric, and [3] the crafting of a metaphor that draws together experience, text, and image? (Laura)

How to encourage and ensure active and meaningful participation in online/hybrid courses (Tom) — rescheduled

— Friday, November 5th: [meeting notes]

Teaching portfolios workshop
Scheduling WRD-specific D2L training in November
Looking ahead to WQ: what’s our agenda?

— Friday, November 19th: [meeting notes]

Foregrounding and modeling student participation (revisiting Warnock and Selfe) — (Tom)
Some differences between D2L and Blackboard, esp. noting places where the instructional designer may have made errors or adjusted your language (Tom and Laura)
Having a clear and identifiable rationale for offering courses online or
in a blended format (Tom)

Previewing WRD103 in D2L (WQ 2010): Tricia and Kristin

We’ve also confirmed that FITS will have instructional-design staff in McGaw on Friday mornings in September (in 202 from 9:00 a.m.-noon) to help with D2L migration AND Digication —

— Friday, 9/10: 9:00 a.m.-noon
— Friday, 9/17: 9:00 a.m.-noon
— Friday, 9/24: 9:00 a.m.-noon
— Friday, 10/1: 9:00 a.m.-noon