Michael Moore
Writing, Rhetoric & Discourse
WRD104 Contextual Analysis Project (5 weeks): inquiry-based; perspectives on inquiry; introduction to the intellectual habits of college-educated people; emphasizing research, critical thinking, discussion, and writing; built around a rich, central intellectual question.
Based on Wilson, “The Wolf in Yellowstone: Science, Symbol, or Politics? Deconstructing the Conflict between Environmentalism and Wise Use.”
- Maddy (Early Education major): How Do we Teach Sex Ed?
- Blake (Philosophy): What is the Purpose of College?
- Chloe (Theatre): What is Empathy? (final)
Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education: (ACRL)
- Authority Is Constructed and Contextual
- Information Creation as a Process
- Information Has Value
- Research as Inquiry
- Scholarship as Conversation
- Searching as Strategic Exploration
7. Metaliteracy expands the scope of traditional information skills (determine, access, locate, understand, produce, and use information) to include the collaborative production and sharing of information in participatory digital environments (collaborate, produce, and share). This approach requires an ongoing adaptation to emerging technologies and an understanding of the critical thinking and reflection required to engage in these spaces as producers, collaborators, and distributors. Thomas P. Mackey and Trudi E. Jacobson. Metaliteracy: Reinventing Information Literacy to Empower Learners.(Chicago: Neal-Schuman, 2014).
Critical digital literacy — or a multi-literacies curriculum: focuses on meaning making in context, including socio-economic issues — why would you want to send an email? Who, and under what conditions, would somebody want to watch a video? What are the rhetorical implications of that link?
- Folger: decoding, meaning making, using, analyzing
- TeachThought
- Andrew Feenberg, Critical Theory of Technology
- Selber’s Post-Critical Framework & Digital Literacy in First Year Writing at DePaul
- Jones, Donald. “Thinking Critically about Digital Literacy: A Learning Sequence on Pens, Pages, and Pixels.” Pedagogy. 7(2007): 207-221.