Your Teaching Statement can be used for personal, professional, or pedagogical purposes. In our class, we use them to clarify our thinking on our learning and teaching goals — why we do what we do.
We will brainstorm and workshop a draft of your Pedagogy & Teaching Statement in class during week one, and your final draft is due on Sunday, April 2nd, via D2L.
Reflective prompts designed to help you get stared thinking and reflecting:
- Why do you want to teach writing?
- What should students expect of you as a teacher?
- What do you want students to learn? How do you know your goals for students are being met?
- What should your students be able to know or do as a result of taking your class?
- How can your teaching facilitate student learning?
- How do you as a teacher create an engaging or enriching learning environment?
- What specific activities or exercises do you use to engage your students? What do you want your students to learn from these activities?
Adapted from “Teaching Statements,” Vanderbilt