Teaching Writing Online: Spring 2017 Rotating Header Image

Teaching Writing Online Course Project 

Your major project for the course is to compose and design a substantial month-long unit — or series of smaller weekly scaffolded units — with measurable outcomes that you could conceivably assign in an online writing course. For example:

  • A three-week unit on mindful reading and written analysis
  • A research project that requires synthesizing credible sources and that provides a recommendation or persuasive position
  • A multimodal project that integrates text, images, and sound 
  • A social-justice project that inspires readers toward action

I mention these possibilities only to suggest the possible scope of our projects. We will workshop project proposals and narrow or broaden your project scope as needed.

  • You should be able to connect your project idea to your Pedagogy & Teaching Statement
  • Connect your project to the tools, platforms, processes, and materials that we’ve been discussing and using
  • Have a plan for reading, responding to, and assessing student work