In the spirit of problem solving and self-regulated learning, here’s what we brainstormed in class yesterday:
- Library Reference Desk
- Michael Moore
- Writing Center
- St. Martin’s Handbook
- Each other
- Oxford English Dictionary
It’ll be smart of you to track your progress at every stage of our process so that you can both self-assess and know when & where to identify resources for help. Depending on your own process, this might look different for different people:
- Brainstorming (SMH 44-5)
- Initial Research (SMH 190-260): what’s the landscape?
- Draft (Lamott)
- More research
- Revise: overall, “global,” big-picture issues: tone, level of detail, does it accomplish the assignment?
- Get feedback (SMH 66-76)
- Revise more
- Research more
- Edit (SMH 87-88): for us, so far, this has meant paragraph development and transitions
- Get more feedback
- Revise more
- Proofread (SMH 1-11); Lunsford, “Top Twenty Errors”
- Formatting/Presentation — academic essay genre conventions