WRD 104: Composition & Rhetoric II Rotating Header Image

Contextual Analysis Abstracts

Jack D. What is Hip Hop?: An Analysis of a Culture

Abstract: [under revision] This analysis looks at the cultural and historical context that define the subculture movement called Hip Hop. The analysis draws upon the work of early hip hop musicians, the effects of music in the community, the shaping of music by the community, and the relationship between hip hop and the rest of society. The analysis encompasses the entire history of hip hop, from DJ Kool Herc to Public Enemy to the state of the music and culture today. The project shows the many definitions of hip hop as well as the transformation of those definitions across time.  [… you compared and contrasted how your sources represent those positions rhetorically and contextually — and how you put sources into conversation with each other in order to take advantage of the powerful explanatory features of a contextual analysis?]

Madison D. “How We Teach Sexual Education to Children: A Contextual Analysis”

Abstract: By using a social framework, this contextual analysis explains how we are teaching sexual education to children. The paper includes who cares about sexual education, how we are teaching sexual education to children in and out of an academic setting, age appropriate information, and looking at sexual education through different values lenses. Should we teach sexual education to children is not a debatable argument; how we are teaching sexual education to children, and the implications following certain ways of teaching, is the explored topic in this contextual analysis.

Joe D. “What is a Remix?: Legality and Reality”

Abstract: In this Contextual Analysis I approach  “What is a Remix?” from a legal framework, outlining the legal borders, which are the only actual boundaries for remixing–and I analyzed cases that have been fought regarding fair use and copyright infringement claims. By definition, remixing is defined as the usage of pre-existing content to create a new work with a new meaning, but this analysis explores the connotations of remixing from various points of view. The findings in this article indicate that the definition of a remix varies depending on the beholder, which contributes to the difference in opinion regarding the validity of a remix.   [Can it be both “legal … actual boundaries” and “depending on the beholder”? Seems like it has to be one or the other, unless the point of the contextual analysis is to compare and contrast how the sources represent those positions rhetorically and contextually — and how you put sources into conversation with each other in order to take advantage of the powerful explanatory features of a contextual analysis?

Dave E. “Cyberparenting: The Benefits, Risks and Rules”

Abstract: This contextual analysis focuses on cyberparenting or the manner in which technology influences how a parent raises a child. Using a social, cultural and critical framework, the paper examines the benefits of teen technology including instant access to facts and to people all around the world and expanded entertainment opportunities. The paper also looks at the risks of technology use including loss of social skills, loss of physical activities, challenges to personal safety and loss of privacy. The paper recommends that parents make a written and mutual contract with teens regarding technology use and safety. The paper concludes that the debate about cyberparenting is just beginning but that effective cyberparenting needs to balance the benefits and the risks of teen technology use. 

Jiheon J. “What is Home?: A Contextual Analysis”

Abstract: The Purpose of this research paper is to explore the different answers to the question: “What is home?” We all come from the different backgrounds. To some people, home is the place where your family is. To some people, home is the place that portrays them. To some people, home is the place with the monetary value. Home is both physically and psychologically, extremely important place in our lives. Many people from different backgrounds, psychologists, sociology, realtor, and international students have different opinion on what home is to them. What is the home to you?  

 Marina K. “What Motivates Us To Travel? A Contextual Analysis”

Abstract: The purpose of this paper was to show the relationship between traveling and the motivation behind it for each individual. Why people travel is can vary from business, education, to personal reasons. This question is important for many professions, including those in the hospitality industry, as it fuels the work. After the research was found, the following are major points as to why people travel. Travel for please, travel for experience, and travel of enlightenment/ appreciation.  [… you compared and contrasted how your sources represent those positions rhetorically and contextually — and how you put sources into conversation with each other in order to take advantage of the powerful explanatory features of a contextual analysis?]

Joe L. “On the Varying Nature of Boredom; A Contextual Anaysis <—– 

Abstract: Although boredom is commonly perceieved as laziness and a waste of the mind’s potential, there is a growing movement towards reverence for ennui. The possible benefits of boredom are contrasted with the common notion that boredom must be beat, with a focus boredom’s social influence is today’s Western culture. Citations are derived from various psychological journals, popular press websites, the New York Times, and A Philosophy of Boredom by Lars Svendsen in an effort to advocate for the possible bennefits that may arise from boredom.  [… you compared and contrasted how your sources represent those positions rhetorically and contextually — and how you put sources into conversation with each other in order to take advantage of the powerful explanatory features of a contextual analysis?]

Ahmad M.: “How does the culture industry in Hollywood portray Muslims?: A Contextual Analysis”

Abstract: Within my contextual analysis, I evaluated different sources that helped guide me towards how the culture industry in Hollywood portrays Muslims. I used various information from a wide variety of scholars from ethnic backgrounds. The scholars I used are John Espisito who is a professor at Georgetown University. Matthew Jabber Stiffler, who proposed a valuable survey done by the National Voices Project. In addition to Professor Edward Said, Daniel Mandel, Sara J. Ahmed and Dr. Jack Shaheen, whom all devoted the effort in understanding the causes of why the culture industry in Hollywood portrays Muslims the way they do. My findings after all the research and analysis I have done to complete this essay, I have found a pattern in Hollywood’s use of film to discriminate against Islam and cause negative stereotypes to develop that are not factual nor pleasant to anyone.

Margaret M. “Theories of Addiction: A Contextual Analysis”

Abstract: The concept of addiction is undeniably a reality, but what causes someone to become addicted, what defines an addict, and types of treatment have been widely disputed. The two major theories as to what causes addiction are the claim that addiction is a choice, and idea that it is a disease and/or a genetic disorder. While these are the most popular theories, there are other theories that look to spirituality, morals, and class divide as the cause. However, with each theory of addiction and each of its supporting evidence, evidence contradicting each claim accompanies it. Each person and their addictions are unique, making the hunt for one explanation of addiction difficult. This essay explores and compares different theories of addiction and questions their legitimacy.

Alexis M. “David Brooks’s ‘Moral Bucket List’: A Contextual Analysis”

Abstract: This essay is a reception study on the article “The Moral Bucket List,” byDavid Brooks. The purpose of this is to provide a version of the readers’ response to a literary text that emphasizes the reader’s reception of a literary text. In this column, David Brooks constantly reflects on the question,“What is the Moral BucketList,” and what kind of person do we want to be. He not only challenges himself to obtain the characteristics of this type of person, but others to do so as well. He is morally reflecting on deep topics that can be received in different lights. Why are there so many reactions to this one piece? As a reader, what can we learn about the different responses to David Brooks’s ideologies in his essay,“The Moral Bucket List?” These people he admires,“have achieved a profound humility, which has best defined as an intense self-awareness from a position of other-centeredness,” these people follow the eulogy virtues, instead of the résumé virtues. We can learn from researchers that no one opinion is right or wrong; it’s our experiences and beliefs that tells us what we so heart-fully believe and “The Moral BucketList?”is just one man’s reflection. Everybody walks a different\ path and because of that we all have different moral values, some that may differ greatly from Brooks. There are so many different, uncontrollable reactions people have to this one column.

Margaret M. “How Do We Teach Teenagers Sexual Education? A Contextual Analysis”

Abstract: This contextual analysis looks at the various ways The United States teaches sexual education to teenagers. The goal is to understand and build a basic framework of the different types of sexual education taught by examining sources like The New York Times, personal experiences, and academic journals. Upon examining these sources it becomes clear that our culture does not have a unified method of teaching teenagers sexual education, which can hinder teenagers’ sexual experiences and growth. Through showing these differences by use of multiple perspectives, this analysis aims to educate the public on the sexual education the youth of today are receiving.  [… you compared and contrasted how your sources represent those positions rhetorically and contextually — and how you put sources into conversation with each other in order to take advantage of the powerful explanatory features of a contextual analysis?]

Tiffany M. “What Are Beauty Pageants For?: A Contextual Analysis”

Abstract: In this Contextual Analysis I approach “What Are Beauty Pageants For?” in an inquisitive manner. I first look at beauty pageants from a historical perspective. How did they begin? Who created them? Then I begin to analyze multiple people’s perspectives from different standpoints. What do pageant participants get out of beauty pageants? What psychological factors are present in these pageants? What role does fashion play? How big is this business? What is the feminists take on these pageants? The findings in this essay indicate that it isn’t really the actual pageants that cause controversy within the American public; it’s the extremities some people take in order to conform themselves – or their children – to become, what they believe to be, the ‘perfect’ pageant participant. This paper concludes that there are both positive and negative aspects about beauty pageants, like all things in life. However, we never hear much about how beauty pageants fave helped females achieve their goals and become successful. We only hear how certain individuals are being harmed mentally, physically, or emotionally because these pageants.   [… you compared and contrasted how your sources represent those positions rhetorically and contextually — and how you put sources into conversation with each other in order to take advantage of the powerful explanatory features of a contextual analysis?]

Tiba N. “What is the purpose of college? A Contexual Analysis” 

Abstract: This contextual analysis examines the social and cultural aspects of the purpose of college. I investigate the questions that many students spend their twelve years of schooling in preparation of a common goal to attend college, but what happens next? What is the next goal they should aspire to achieve? This research offers the opinions of scholars on the importance of the purpose of higher education. [… you compared and contrasted how your sources represent those positions rhetorically and contextually — and how you put sources into conversation with each other in order to take advantage of the powerful explanatory features of a contextual analysis?]

Cody N. “What is a ‘Good Man’?: A Contextual Analysis”

Abstract: The phrase “Good Man” is fairly common in our culture. Though it is very common, the definition of the phrase is difficult to understand. By exploring many different philosophies, beliefs, and patterns, this essay will attempt to discover the hidden contextual and rhetorical meanings behind the phrase, “Good Man.”  [… you compared and contrasted how your sources represent those positions rhetorically and contextually — and how you put sources into conversation with each other in order to take advantage of the powerful explanatory features of a contextual analysis?]

 Jose P. “Print In The Digital Era; Reading In Print Can Affect Your Future”

Abstract: This researcher project will look at the benefits of reading print material, and the effects reading in print has on a person’s life. In our current time, technology is growing and spreading at a rapid peace, allowing people to be able to get their news digitally through the Internet, and online social media. As a result, the print edition of newspapers is falling behind, leaving less people reading the actual, crisp, newspaper in their hands. This arises questions that researchers have been asking for a while, including is there going to be any type of print material in the future? Another question that is asked is what are the benefits of the reading material in print? One final question that arises, and that you should wonder, is how does reading in print or in digital affect your life, and your future? Most of us grew up reading material in print, however, digital material can replace what we grew up with, making future generations loss an experience that we are able to enjoy. Therefore, people should be looking at what is too come to print material since that was, and still is, a part of what grew up with us. For that reason, this research project will look at what others have said about the issue of print and digital; which includes students, editors, psychologists and researchers, and would look at data from studies that have been done related to the topic.

Jane P. “What Is Gentrification? –A Contextual Analysis”

Abstract: The purpose of this research project is to examine the effects of gentrification on cities as well as to analyze arguments about the role of gentrification in a social context. The role of gentrification has become an increasingly debated issue as the demographics of cities have rapidly changed throughout history due to phenomena like white flight, black suburbanization, and young people moving into cities. Cultural critics and academics across multiple disciplines have researched and debated gentrification and their takeaways are largely ambiguous and contradictory. Regardless of results or consensus, it is important to be conscious of the effects of gentrification in order to facilitate discussion about urban public policy. What can we learn by examining gentrification?

Blake P. “What Is College For?: A Contextual Analysis”

Abstract: My project is a contextual analysis on the question of the “purpose of college” analyzing ancient, modern, contemporary philosophers and journalists. I address the historical aspects of college as well as the idea of a “greater good.” I use sources in their chronological appearance for this intellectual conversation and are collapsed in the space of time in order to examine the trajectory of higher education.

 Jessica R.: “Selfishness: A Contextual Analysis”

Abstract: Although there are thousands of people who donate their money, time, and lives to charity, their selfless credibility still seems questionable — to whom? Why?. Selfishness can manifest itself in many different forms and by many different people. It is key to be able to identify the many different kinds of selfishness and to determine if the act is out of selfishness, self-interest, or cruelty. Not only is it important to identify the degree of selfishness in the act, but to understand the motives behind it which help us understand the values of those around us.  [… you compared and contrasted how your sources represent those positions rhetorically and contextually — and how you put sources into conversation with each other in order to take advantage of the powerful explanatory features of a contextual analysis?]

Sofia T. “Grief and Social Media”

Abstract: The purpose of my research is to identify the impact that social media has on grief, if it has any at all. I did this by reading and analyzing articles both from the popular press opinion sections and peer-­‐reviewed journal articles. The findings are conflicting. The scholarly articles claim that social media facilitates natural grieving practices and acts as a place to share emotions and find a community. The opinions from the popular press, however, are that grief expressed online is ingenuine and performative. They also mention the issues of grief tourism and RIP trolling. One interesting outcome of this research is learning that grief is not just an isolated, individual activity; it is, in fact, a community experience.

Tyler W. “Social Media Identity: A Contextual Analysis — Does social media promote identity branding among young people?”

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between teenagers and their online identities. Social media has played a large aspect in the behavior and social structure of individuals in the Y and Z generations. Being known as the “tech-savvy” generation, social media has possibly influenced the formation of twisted self-identities among these technology educated teenagers. It seems as if more teenagers are using social media as an outlet for personal branding and self-promotion, and it is affecting the way their true identities are displayed and acknowledged by parents, sociologists, psychologists, educators, and most importantly their peers.What can we learn by analyzing young individuals interactions among social media and the effect it will have on their future social lifestyles? [… you compared and contrasted how your sources represent those positions rhetorically and contextually — and how you put sources into conversation with each other in order to take advantage of the powerful explanatory features of a contextual analysis?]