WRD 103: Composition & Rhetoric I: Winter Quarter 2014 Rotating Header Image

Course Texts

We have two required course texts for our section of WRD103:

 The St. Martin’s Handbook, 7/e Andrea A. Lunsford. Your choice:

You can wait until we meet during the first week of class to discuss the differences and pros & cons between the print and digital versions of the Handbook, and there are many interesting differences.

 The New York Times Sunday print edition:

  • On-campus students who live in residence halls: you subscribe to the New York Times at the campus bookstore, just like a textbook. You can pick up your newspapers at the Library Circulation Desk whenever the library is open. When you purchase your subscription, you’ll receive a proof-of-purchase Subscription ID card from the bookstore, which you will need to show at the library in order to pick up your newspaper each week — don’t lose it; you can’t pick up your newspaper without it. DePaul.edu discount rate 9 weeks @ $4.25 = $38.25(regularly $6.00/$60.00.)
  • Off-campus, commuting studentsYou will subscribe to the New York Times online, and your newspapers will be delivered to your off-campus home address. The DePaul .edu discount rate applies to you, too.
  • In order to receive credit for this course, you need to bring your Sunday print copy to class — every class — unless we made other arrangements during Week 2.

We’ll be reading the New York Times seven days a week in various print and digital formats: our Sunday edition is in print, and the other six days we access it on the web, or via mobile apps, tablet apps, Times Skimmer, and other possibilities.

  • A spiral or bound notebook for your Dialogic Reading Journals
  • Highly Recommended: you’ll want to acquire an external hard drive for your work, projects, files, etc., and you should back up your work regularly. I have developed the practice of backing up all of my work every Friday afternoon — it only takes a few minutes — and the peace of mind is worth it. I speak both from personal experience and from watching far too many colleagues and students lose all of their work, always at the worst possible time, because it was not backed-up, saved, or archived anywhere.