Land of smiles

So why Thailand?

This semester abroad is my last semester of college. What a way to go out! I chose Thailand for a couple of reasons. The most prominent is Buddhism. Thailand’s population is 90% Buddhist. I’ve been reading about non-attachment and compassion for 10 years now, and I would love to see it put to use in a city like Bangkok. What happens when a bunch of Buddhists live in a mega city in the 21st century? What happens to the ancient teachings of non-violence and mindfulness? How do Buddhists in Bangkok harmonize spirituality with daily life in the modern age? These are the questions I seek answers to.

 The teachings of Buddha ring true for me, and putting them into practise is a challenging and rewarding venture. However, I don’t feel comfortable calling myself a Buddhist because I don’t feel like I live up to all of the things a Buddhist should be—so I will go and meet some Buddhists and see how they do it.

I am hoping to have an opportunity to visit some of the temples and Buddhist monasteries. Part of my study abroad program is volunteer work. I would like to donate my time and artistic ability in the preservation and restoration of these ancient spiritual places. I feel very fortunate to have the opportunities that I’ve had. I want to donate my work as a way of giving thanks. Karma yoga. =)

I have been teaching yoga for almost 4 years now and part of my classes is always dedicated to meditation. I believe that it is important to regularly calm your mind and be conscious of your thoughts and breath. I hope that by visiting Buddhist temples and experiencing life in a Buddhist population I will have some new insights to share with my students and new ways of expressing this belief for myself.

Aside from the classes, the volunteer work, and the potential benefits to my teaching repertoire, I am going to Thailand for myself. Nobody knows how long they have to live their life. I’m trying to make the most out of mine, by loving each moment and seeing as much of the world as I can.

And let us not forget the world class limestone deep water soloing oportunities on the southern beaches! On belay? Climb on!

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