HU3640 Practicum B Schedule
Week 1 | Introductions & workshop goals |
Introductions & goals; review HU2640 | Preparation for next week: read and annotate “Writing for a Living”; complete time-management worksheet | |
Week 2 | Professional research & reading practices |
Due: annotated article and time-management worksheet | |
Preparation for Week 3 Workshop: research two position advertisements for English Ed. positions / Tech Comm positions; update resumes | |
Week 3 | Resume workshop |
Due: professional resume (three copies); two position advertisements for English/Tech Comm teaching jobs (three copies) | |
Preparation for Week 4 Workshop: Revise resume; gather and organize portfolio | |
Week 4 | Resumes and current portfolio prototypes |
Portfolio workshops Due: Revised resume |
Preparation for Week 5 Workshop: Review Readability, Usability, and read “Ambient Findability” | |
Week 5 | Readability, Usability, and Ambient Findability |
Database and e-journal research | |
Preparation for Week 6 Workshop: Choose one academic and one professional journal for analysis (handout) |
Week 6 | Academic and professional journals in English Education & Technical Communication |
Deliver five-minute informal presentations of your analyses Due: journal comparative & rhetorical analysis with visual aids |
Preparation for Week 7 Workshop: Graduate programs online; print off two for in-class discussion; plan Career Day mini-ethnography | |
Week 7 | Graduate programs in English Education & Technical Communication |
Guest Speaker: Beth Flynn, Director RTC Program Tuesday Career Day |
Preparation for Week 8 Workshop: Technology & software working groups | |
Week 8 | Portfolios: HU3640 prototype & file management |
Communication and design technologies in professional contexts Due: Career Day mini-ethnography | |
Preparation for Week 9 Prepare portfolio files in your home directory and on a CD-ROM | |
Week 9 | Communication and design technologies, continued |
Technology & software working groups: using available technologies to design, revise, edit, assess, and present your professional portfolios |
Preparation for Week 10 Workshop: Compose your portfolio platform-and-production memo | |
Week 10 | Communication and design technologies, continued |
Technology & software working groups | |
Preparation for Week 11 Workshop: Portfolio editing | |
Week 11 | Portfolio workshop |
In-class critiques, feedback, and collective problem solving | |
Preparation for Individual Conferences: Prepare a portfolio prototype version for our review and discussion | |
Weeks 12 & 13 | Poster session planning, design, and production |
Wednesday | ![]() Background: Introduction: Poster Sessions (CSU) Advice on Designing Scientific Posters (Swarthmore) |
Week 14 | Poster session |
Schedule TBA | |
Finals Week | Due: Portfolio & Cover Letter, Friday 4/27 @ 5:00 p.m. |