Rhetoric & Composition II Rotating Header Image

Dialogic Reading Journals TOC

Dialogic Reading Journal:
Table of Contents

#1:  Handwritten rhetorical analysis of “A Note From Our New Publisher” 

#2: Handwritten: compare & contrast 3-4 different Reading Methods & Strategies with very specific examples and direct quotes from Kristof’s “Why 2017 Was the Best Year in Human History”

#3: Describe and annotate three problems that you have experienced or seen — a description; your proximity to the problem; who the problem affects — don’t provide a solution or thesis.

#4: TutorialHow to Search Academic Search Complete (3:08 video) — watch and test-drive video tutorial by applying it to two of your three annotated problems: comment/reflect on both the video tutorial and what kinds of sources you find, especially in terms of the problems’ potential & possible causes: interesting? Not interesting? Helpful? Not helpful? Include some article and article titles; no need to be comprehensive — just some notes are fine.

#5: How would you characterize your intellectual contributions to our class thus far? Provide specific examples.

#6: Your Contextual Analysis: what part(s) are you most looking forward to and about which you feel confident? What part(s) concern or worry you? 250 words +/- (Post-library workshop reflection)

#7: Credibility & “this new informational anarchy”

Credibility really is kind of metaphysical: We have to take a little leap of faith to get there. The main root of “credible,” after all, is the Latin word for “belief.” Aristotle thought the best way to inspire such faith was to seem like a good person: “Persuasion is achieved by the speaker’s personal character,” he wrote in “Rhetoric,” “when the speech is so spoken as to make us think him credible.” The audience is inclined to trust someone it already thinks well of.”

— Michelle Dean, NYT Magazine: “It’s Getting Harder to Sort the ‘Credible’ from the Incredible”

The timing of this article is good for us, since you are knee-deep in assessing writers and sources for your Contextual Analysis project. Take Dean’s observation that “credibility really is kind of metaphysical,” and reflect on two of your sources: what is your process for “taking a little leap of faith to get there”? What caused you to decide to vouch for those writers’ — to stand by those writers’ — ethos and credibility?

#8: Hypothesis test drive: “Welcome to Post-Text”

#9: Hypothesis generative/additive annotations
For our Hypotheses annotations and shared reading for Tuesday: “The Power of Wearing Flowers” from the T Magazine. If that link doesn’t get you there, start here: https://hypothes.is/groups/wKq8dazk/wrd-104. In the print version of your T Magazine, the essay is titled “Cover Me with Blossoms.”

  • Can you identify the places where the writer is making persuasive efforts on contemporary issues?
  • Please add your own generative and additive annotations, and respond to at least one classmate’s annotation. We’ll look at them in class on Tuesday.

#10: “The Tyranny of Convenience” — your Dialogic Journal entries will serve as our discussion prompts in class:

  • Can you identify any connections to other issues we’ve discussed in class over the past eight weeks?
  • How would you characterize Wu’s rhetorical strategies?
  • What generative questions arise for you from reading this essay?

#11: Page A1, 3/4/18: “A ‘Bright Light,’ Dimmed in the Shadows of Homelessness” (online-version title): annotated in print OR online, via hypothesis, in our WRD 104 Group space — your choice, but annotate the heck out of it: how would you characterize the genre? What kind of essay is this? What is the writer’s attitude toward the reader? What does a mindful reading reveal to you?



