ENT3962: Spring 2009

ENG3962 is designed to build on your experience in ENG2962 and on your communication experiences on your Enterprise Teams.

After reviewing conventions in professional, technical, and engineering communication, team members propose semester-length communication projects that provide meaningful professional-development opportunities for individual members and that benefit your Enterprise Teams. Projects might include documentation, web sites, technical papers or reports, strategic plans, or annual reports.

There are no required texts to purchase for the course. I provide handouts and we will be reading photocopied chapters from a variety of professional sources.


Workshop Calendar

Please note that this Calendar is designed to be flexible; that is, we may make changes along the way, depending on the interests and needs of Enterprise Team members.

Week One
Introductions; Contexts for Professional, Technical, and Engineering Communication
Due: Communications Survey (In Class)

Week Two
Establishing Credibility as a Professional & Engineering Communicator
Workshop: Document Conventions & Readers’ Expectations
Due: Enterprise Teams’ Communications Inventory & Assessment (Memo)

Week Three
Collaborative & Team-Based Writing, Revising & Editing Software
Reading: Communication Patterns of Engineers (handout)
Due: Communication Project Proposal

Week Four
Audience Analysis & How Documents Affect Readers’ Thinking & Feeling
Reading: Schriver (PDF)

Week Five
No class: Winter Carnival

Week Six
Document Design & Production II
Workshop: Common & Team-Specific Engineering Documents
Due: Team Communication Project Iteration 1.0

Week Seven
Document Design & Production III
Workshop: Engineering Reports
Due: Revising Worksheet

Week Eight
Document Design & Production IV
Workshop: Typography (handout)
Due: Team Communication Project Iteration 2.0

Spring Break: Friday 3/4 – Sunday 3/14

Week Nine
No Class: Scheduled Team Meetings

Week Ten
Editing for Coherence
Workshop: Team-Based Editing Toolkits

Week Eleven
Designing and Using Visuals
Workshop: Presentation Technologies
Reading: Tufte (handout)
Due: Team Communication Project Iteration 3.0

Week Twelve
Team Presentations

Week Thirteen
Editing & Proofreading Workshops
Due: Iteration 4.0

Week Fourteen
Team Meetings
Due: Project Final Iteration & Peer Evaluations

Academic Integrity Policy

Plagiarism is a serious offense, one whose sanctions range from a reduction in grades to expulsion from the University. According to the Dean of Students Office, Academic Dishonesty is prohibited and includes the following violations:

•     Plagiarism: copying another’s work or ideas and calling them one’s own or not giving proper credit or citation.
•     Cheating: intentional use of any unauthorized study aids, equipment, or another’s work during an academic exercise.
•     Fabrication: intentional falsification or invention of any information or citation during an academic exercise without proper authorization.
•     Facilitating academic dishonesty: allowing or helping another individual to plagiarize, cheat, or fabricate information.

I am always available — in person or via e-mail — to discuss any plagiarism or other intellectual property concerns or questions you might have for this or for any other class.

ADA Statement

MTU complies with all federal and state laws and regulations regarding discrimination, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). If you have a disability and need a reasonable accommodation for equal access to education and services at MTU, please call Associate Dean of Students Gloria Melton at 487-2212. For other concerns about discrimination, you may contact your advisor, department head/chair, or the Affirmative Action Office at 487-3310.

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