WRD104: Composition & Rhetoric II Rotating Header Image

“Forgive Me, Father, for I Have Linked”

image title Amanda — 1:00 section — sent me this link: “Bless me iPhone for I have sinned.”

Then, this morning, in the New York Times: “Forgive Me, Father, for I Have Linked”

Today (update) again in the NYT: App Can’t Replace Confession, Vatican Says

A new application being sold on iTunes, “Confession: a Roman Catholic App,” cannot be used as a substitute for confession with a priest, the Vatican said Wednesday. The application was developed by American entrepreneurs with the help of two priests and the blessing of a bishop. It features a questionnaire of sins, and is promoted as a tool both to revive interest in confession and to help Catholics prepare for the sacrament. But some media reports cast the app as a “virtual priest” for Catholics who do not have time for church, prompting the Rev. Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman, to respond, “One cannot speak in any way of ‘confession by iPhone.’ ”