WRD 104: Composition & Rhetoric II Rotating Header Image

Course Texts & Materials (Required)

We have two required course texts for our section of WRD103:

 The St. Martin’s Handbook, 7/e Andrea A. Lunsford. Your choice:

You can wait until we meet during the first week of class to discuss the differences and pros & cons between the print and digital versions of the Handbook, and there are many interesting differences.

 The New York Times:

  • On-campus students who live in residence halls and receive mail in the Student Center mailroom: You will subscribe to the New York Times at the campus bookstore, and your newspapers will be delivered to your mailbox in the 3rd floor mailroom in the Student Center. DePaul .edu discount rate 10 weeks @ $4.00 = $40.00 (regularly $6.00/$60.00.) Your newspapers come individually labeled and will be placed in your individual mailboxes.
  • Off-campus, commuting students: You will subscribe to the New York Times online, and your newspapers will be delivered to your off-campus home address.

In order to receive credit for this course, you need to bring your Sunday print copy to class — every class — unless we made other arrangements during Week 2.

We’ll be reading the New York Times seven days a week in various print and digital formats: our Sunday edition is in print, and the other six days we access it on the web, or via mobile apps, tablet apps, Times Skimmer, and other possibilities.

  • Highly Recommended: you’ll want to acquire an external hard drive for your work, projects, files, etc., and you should back up your work regularly. I have developed the practice of backing up all of my work every Friday afternoon — it only takes a few minutes — and the peace of mind is worth it. I speak both from personal experience and from watching far too many colleagues and students lose all of their work, always at the worst possible time, because it was not backed-up, saved, or archived anywhere.