Possible arguments for print
Why print?
Why not just let the students read online? The printed newspaper:
- Fosters serendipitous learning (Read More…)
- Enhances retention of information
- Is portable and convenient for use in class
- Fosters a daily reading habit
- Sparks thoughtful social interactions
Thank you, Denise, for finding this via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine
Wayback site: http://web.archive.org/web/20091016064215/http://www.nytmarketing.whsites.net/incollege/?page=integrate
First, to answer a very good email question:
> Is it okay to develop a project around a particular issue, like reading the Science Times in print, in digital, and on mobile and compare and contrast them?
YES. A great idea! You could do that with art, or Op-Eds, fashion or any topic. Great idea.
This is very interesting:
83% of Americans between the ages of 16-29 read a book in the past year, and that 47% “read long-form e-content such as books, magazines or newspapers.” In general, according to the Pew study, “Americans under age 30 are more likely than older adults to do reading of any sort (including books, magazines, journals, newspapers, and online content) for work or school, or to satisfy their own curiosity on a topic.” Another Pew report on “the rise of e-reading” (2012), tells us that the availability of digital content may actually increase the time that people spend reading, the variety of materials they read, and the likelihood that they will purchase books of their own. Clearly, these are interesting times for those of us committed to the promotion of literacy!
While individual studies may come to different conclusions regarding the state of literacy (and e-literacy) in America, there can be no doubt that reading is alive and well at DePaul.
That’s from a DePaul Library “DePaul Reads” post: https://news.library.depaul.edu/news/post/2013/02/DePaul-Reads.aspx
What I like about it is the serendipity: he is referring to a story that directly affects your projects! http://composing.org/wrd103wq2013/annotating/ (the very first annotation), and consider this amazing statistic: “Seventy-one percent of those under 30 who do read news regularly said they viewed all of their news through hand-held devices.”
If you plan to work the digital and/or mobile angle, that should be of great help!
— Pew Report: http://libraries.pewinternet.org/files/legacy-pdf/PIP_YoungerLibraryPatrons.pdf
— NYT: http://mediadecoder.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/10/22/young-people-frequent-libraries-study-finds/
** Notes for your NYT Print/Digital Project:
- Feel free to bring your own cameras or camera phones to class if you want to document some print/digital reading in action, in context. Might be useful?
- Be sure to review the resources on the assignment — http://composing.org/
wrd103wq2013/nyt-print-or- digital/, especially the serendipity and annotation links. - Be sure to plan for a link-rich and visually compelling project. No boring all-text essays allowed.
- Finally, regarding this project, I already have faith in your ideas; I have faith in your ability to stake a claim, to support it, and to persuade; I already have faith in your perspective. I think that the key to your successful recommendations will be based on your *tone*. Write in order to be taken seriously. Don’t be too informal, and don’t be artificially overly formal. Aim for a balance in between. YOU are the experts. You’ve been reading the NYT for 49 days. You understand what is at stake. Enlighten us.