Rhetoric & Composition I Rotating Header Image

Remix Project: Statement of Goals & Choices

Remix Project Reflection:
Statement of Goals & Choices

Compose your Statement of Goals & Choices in four parts:

  1. A description of your remix project goals — you can quote from your worksheet, if you like, summarizing [a] “The other options that I had in mind for this project, but did not use …”, [b] your choice of materials and [c] your intended rhetorical effects
  2. An extended description of all of the choices you made during your process
  3. The specific conditions in which your final product will be experienced
  4. A list of people who contributed  think of it as credits that roll at the end of a film: who did you talk to about your remix project? Who helped? Who drove you to Home Depot? Who gave you ideas? List every interaction with every person and their contribution. Who in our class workshop gave you feedback?


SoGC examples —