Rhetoric & Composition I Rotating Header Image

Course Calendar

Please note that this calendar is designed to be flexible: we may make changes along the way, depending on your interests and the needs of the class. Should you miss a class, you are responsible for knowing about—and adjusting for—any changes by getting notes and other materials from a classmate. Professional protocols and collegiality call for you to alert us if you’ll be missing on a day when we’re having a workshop or when you are scheduled to present materials.

 Week 1
Introductions, key concepts, & course goals
St. Martin’s Handbook, Chapter 1: Expectations for College Writing
Thursday, September 8th In class: Introductions, key concepts, & course goals
Due: Course Survey

  • Key rhetorical contexts: purpose, audience, and occasion; reader-based writing that accomplishes something
  • Key terms: rhetoric, ideology, analysis, assumption, assertion, claim, argument, context, critical thinking
  • New York Times [+subscription info]
  • St. Martin’s Handbook
    • 1d Becoming an engaged reader and active listener
    • 7a Reading print and digital texts
    • 8b Thinking critically about argument
  • Digication and my example
Tuesday 9/13

In class: NYT Page A1 and Sunday Review section
Due: article summary on “How to Celebrate Eid al-Adha Like an American” — 
bring it in digital form, emailed to yourself, or on your laptop; we’ll need the digital version so that we can post them to your Digication site, which we’ll work on in class.

Here’s my example

Week 2
Summary & Analysis
St. Martin’s Handbook, Chapter 8
Thursday 9/15

In class: NYT, as assigned

Due #1: post your revised initial, first summary in précis form, and keep both versions; we want to be able to see your original summary and the revised version, in précis form. Here’s one possible organizing principle for that.

Due #2Rhetorical précis — you pick the essay

Background: St. Martin’s Handbook — 

  • 8e Identifying elements of an argument
  • 8f Identifying fallacies
  • 13b ”Working with quotations”; note how some of the signal verbs are rhetorically active verbs (“claims”) and some are not (“says”). Can you tell the difference? Samples.

For class discussion, we’ll focus on p. A1 and the Sunday Review section — come prepared to discuss.

Tuesday 9/20

In class: NYT, as assigned
In class
: For class discussion, we’ll focus on p. A1 and the Sunday Review section — come prepared to discuss.
DueRhetorical précis #3 — “What I Learned From Executing Two Men”

 Week 3
Reading and writing rhetorically: ethos, pathos, & logos
Thursday 9/22

In class: NYT, as assigned
: Rhetorical précis #4

Everyone should read the front section and the Sunday Review section; you image titleshould also be seeking out sections that tend to interest you more than others — Sports, Business, Arts, Style & Fashion — try to note stories, trends, and writers that interest you.

In class: We will begin class by going around the room and hearing an informal 60-90 second overview of an interesting article that you read in the Sunday NYT — any section, any topic — why it was important and relevant to you, and why it should be important and relevant to us. It’s a great way to get a tour of the Sunday paper, and to find out what people are interested in.

Page One: Inside the New York Times — no longer on Netflix, but is available via Hulu and Amazon Prime — free trials are available for both.

Tuesday 9/27

In class: Rhetorical précis #5 & NYT as assigned

St. Martins Handbook PART TWO—Critical Thinking and Argument

7. Reading Critically
8. Analyzing Arguments

 Week 4
Planning and drafting a rhetorical analysis
& individual conferences — schedule and sign-up TBA
Thursday 9/29

Reading: NYT, as assigned:

In class: Writing Center Presentation; moving from summary to rhetorical analysis

St. Martins Handbook PART TWO—Critical Thinking and Argument

7. Reading Critically
8. Analyzing Arguments

Tuesday 10/4

In class: NYT, continued; peer reviews
St. Martin’s Handbook: 4b Reviewing peer writers’ work

Due: Rhetorical Analysis draft #1

 Week 5
Advocacy and Argument: Op-Ed Project
… and why you’ll want to be in a good writing group the next several years
Thursday 10/6

Reading: NYT TBA

Questions of fact and conjecture

  • Did/does something happen?
  • What is its origin?
  • Is there an act to be considered?
  • What produced it?
  • What changes can be made?

Questions of definition

  • What is its nature?
  • How can the issue be defined? 
  • And once you’ve defined it, can you imagine any common ground on the issue between people who might want to take persuasive positions on it?

Due: Rhetorical Analysis, draft #2
Previewing the Op-Ed essay project

Tuesday 10/11

In class: NYT, continued

Due: Rhetorical Analysis, draft #3; add your project reflection to the bottom of your final draft. 

Preview Letters to the Editor:

  • Last names A-L
    Last names M-Z
 Week 6
Writing workshops: advocacy and argument
Thursday 10/13

Reading: NYT, as assigned
Due: Op-Ed Inquiry Question, posted to Digication

In class: Op-Ed Inquiry Question Workshop

Tuesday 10/18

Reading: NYT, as assigned
In class
: Persuasive Writing Workshop
Due: Op-Ed inquiry question & your 350-500-word exploratory essay; yellow-highlight your best, or most interesting, or most compelling, or most intense sentence:

  • Connect & Analyze
  • Contextualize
  • Imagine & Design
  • Act & Socialize in an Op-Ed Essay
 Week 7
Advocacy and Persuasion
Thursday 10/20

Reading: NYT TBA

Due: Op-Ed project 2nd draft

Tuesday 10/25

Reading: NYT TBA

Due: Op-Ed Draft #3 (and made available to Peer Reviewer)

In class

   Due Sunday: Phenomenological-reading peer reviews, via SoundCloud

What we’re looking for is your experience reading the essay — how it made you feel, not making corrections or arguing back. A phenomenological-reading peer review is a description, so we expect to hear you saying things like,

  • “This made me feel …”
  • “I felt swept right up in the rhythm of that paragraph …”
  • “I’m confused here. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to get from this”
  • “That made me laugh”
  • “This made me a little sad”
  • “This reminds me of …”
  • “My essay is on a similar topic, and this made me think about …”

Post your SoundCloud link to Digication.

 Week 8
Editing and Proofreading
Thursday 10/27

Reading: NYT, as assigned
In class: Proofreading workshop

St. Martin’s Handbook:

Due: Op-Ed, final draft with project reflection

Preview: Remix the New York Times

Tuesday 11/1

Reading: NYT TBA

In class: Remixing the New York Times workshop
Due: Remix worksheet

 Week 9
Remixing the New York Times
Thursday 11/3 Reading: NYT TBA
In class: Remixing the New York Times workshop
Due: Remix “draft” #1 — can be messy & rough — photo, sketch, etc.

Tuesday 11/8

Election Day 

Reading: NYT TBA
In class:

  • Remix Workshop
  • Portfolio preview
 Week 10
Conclusion and portfolio development
Thursday 11/10 DueRemix final with user’s manual; Remix Statement of Goals and Choices (SoGC)
Reading: NYT, as assigned
In class
: Digital Portfolio Workshop
Tuesday 11/15

Reading: NYT, as assigned
In class
: Digital Portfolio Workshop

 Finals Week
  Our scheduled exam time, when we will meet for the final, official delivery of your WRD103 Digital Writing Portfolios:

You can locate your final exam times for you all your classes here.