Course Projects & Grading
- Curated Everyday Text Collection, Print: 20%
Print distribution platform of your choice; must be more interesting than a manila folder or three-ring binder. Include an introduction to your collection of 8-10 examples, and 50-100 word annotations for each entry. Your 250 word +/- introduction, entries, and annotations should help readers understand your sense of everyday print texts and inspire their thinking, curiosity, and understanding.
- Curated Everyday Text Collection, Digital: What are the everyday texts of campus sexual assault?: 20%
Digital-distribution platform of your choice. Include an introduction to your collection of examples, and 50-100 word annotations for each entry. Your introduction (500 words +/-), entries, and annotations should help readers understand your sense of everyday digital texts and inspire their thinking, curiosity, and understanding, especially as they related to social practice and our study of everyday texts.
- What can we learn from them?
- What can we do with them?
- From the Op-Doc video: “If you can’t educate a college community on this stuff, who can you educate?” (minute 7:10) —
- Everyday Text Research/Analysis Project
Research project that explores, analyzes, or critiques an everyday-text concept (15 pp.) 40%
- Course Portfolio: 20%