WRD 103: Composition & Rhetoric I Rotating Header Image

Remix Manifesto

Since the filmmaker organizes his documentary around a series of four claims, we can treat them like that–claims to analyze. According to our St. Martin’s Guide, “claims–also referred to as arguable statements–are statements of fact, opinion, or belief that form the backbone of arguments. In longer essays, you may detect a series of linked claims or even several separate claims that you need to analyze before you agree to accept them.” (Section 8e, on “Identifying elements of an argument.”)

View on Hulu, or via the Dropbox URL that I sent

NYT contexts:
“One on One: Girl Talk, Computer Musician”: February 28, 2011
“The 373-Hit Wonder”
: January 6, 2011
“Steal This Hook? D.J. Skirts Copyright Law”: August 6, 2008