Course Calendar

Week One Introduction & Background
Monday 3/6 Introduction; key terms; projects
Wednesday 3/8 Print Lab: Introduction to Multilith press:overview and safety
Monday 3/13 In class: United States Code Title 17:

Davis, Randall “Public Briefing”: The Digital Dilemma: Intellectual Property in the Information Age

Due: Technology Autobiography

3/15 Lab Print Lab: Multilith press: making plates and producing copies
Monday 3/20 In class: Summary of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), Title II–Online Copyright InfringementBettig, Ron. “‘Who Owns the Message?”’: The Ownership and Control of Culture and Information: Copyrighting Culture.” (handout)

Due: dialogue/reflection journal

Monday 3/27 In class: Digital Millennium Copyright Act, continued; in-class analyses and discussion of DMCA and Carnegie Mellon University/MP3 caseSome cultural representations

Due: dialogue/reflection journal

Monday 4/3 In class: Fair Use: The Story of the Letter U & the Numeral 2

Due: dialogue/reflection journal

Monday 4/10 No Class: work with your group to finalize a project and a short (1-2 pp) proposal. Identify the need or problem that your project will address, and the audience for your work.
Wednesday 4/14 No Class: project development
Monday 4/17 Reading: Fair Use: The Story of the Letter U & the Numeral 2 (Part One: pages 1-96)

Due: Proposal drafts; dialogue/reflection journal

Wednesday 4/19 Print Lab/CCLI

Due: project proposal (PDF format)

Monday 4/24 Reading: Fair Use: The Story of the Letter U & the Numeral 2 (Part Two: pages 101-185) Posey and Dutfield: “Beyond Intellectual Property: What Happens to Traditional Knowledge and Resources? (handout)

Due: dialogue/reflection journal

Wednesday 4/26 Print Lab/CCLI
Monday 5/1 Reading: Fair Use: The Story of the Letter U & the Numeral 2 (Appendix 1: “A Fair Use Reader”). In particular, compare the reading experience of Luther Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music (236-241) with some online versions:

Due: dialogue/reflection journal

Wednesday 5/3 Print Lab/CCLI
Monday 5/8 Readings TBA

Due: dialogue/reflection journal

Wednesday 5/10 Print Lab/CCLI
5/15-5/19 Grading Conferences

Due: Project Portfolio

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